
Tight binding simulation of laser-assisted ultrafast field-emission from correlated metal.

D'Onofrio L.J., Avella A., Eckstein M.
  Giovedì 14/09   15:10 - 19:30   Aula F8 - Maria Marinaro   II - Fisica della materia   Presentazione
Field-emission is a powerful technique to gain insight into the electronic properties of materials. A strong and ultrashort laser pulse can periodically modify the potential barrier for electron tunnelling, giving rise to photon sidebands in the far-field electron energy distribution. The aim of this work is to investigate how interaction effects, as well as decoherence, become manifest in this energy spectrum. We simulate the laser-assisted field-emission experiment by means of two linked Hubbard chains, one for the solid and another one for vacuum where electrons can propagate. The out-of-equilibrium electron dynamics of this inhomogeneous system is described using the Keldysh Green's function formalism, while the correlation inside the solid is treated in a DMFT framework.