
Theoretical limits of virtual reality.

Sisini F.
  Giovedì 14/09   15:10 - 19:30   Aula F2 - Ginestra Giovene Amaldi   VII - Didattica e storia della fisica   Presentazione
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) has undergone significant development, evolving from the first video games created in the '60s to the immersive systems we have today. This technological advancement has led to an intriguing question: Can we deceive the mind to the extent that we cannot distinguish between real and simulated reality? Alongside this inquiry, another intriguing question arises: Can we simulate a non-reality that operates outside of physical laws? To answer these questions, we provided a definition of reality simulation and established theoretical limits on the possibilities of VR. To do so, we must consider the computer as a physical system described by a certain number of degrees of freedom and the VR user as an observer who can interact or observe the computer's degrees of freedom. This perspective allows us to address the issue formally and circumvent philosophical dead ends. The answer to the first question is that theoretically, we can deceive the mind to the extent that we cannot distinguish between real and simulated reality. Additionally, we can simulate a non-real or magical world.